Microblading Columbus, Ohio | Donaldson Plastic Surgery-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

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Microblading Columbus, Ohio

Microblading columbus ohio

Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Tattooing In Its Most Natural Form

人生苦短,没必要几乎每天都去拔眉毛、除毛和冒险剃眉毛. With microblading, you can wake up in the morning with the perfect brows, 随之而来的是自信,当你开始新的一天时,少了一件需要担心的事情. This beauty procedure can transform your thin, misshapen eyebrows into the full, vibrant brows you’ve been dreaming of.


Microblading patient close up

On-Point: The Value Of Perfectly Shaped Eyebrows

不管你是喜欢细一点的有弧度的还是粗犷笔直的, your eyebrows are arguably your most important facial feature. 它们能衬托你的眼睛,提亮你的脸,让你看起来更年轻. 当我们的眉毛在点上时,世界似乎更接近完美.

Patient during microblading treatment

Long-Term Results For Less Money

Too many patients struggle with brows they don’t love. 它们完全恢复需要一段时间——不管你是否在处理高中时把它们拔得太紧的影响, 或者去了一次发廊,发现发型师给头发打蜡不均匀. That recovery and regrowth time means spending time (and money!)用铅笔、凝胶之类的东西来填充稀疏的区域,并暂时修复所造成的损害. Microblading gets the job done beautifully in just one session.

Frequently Asked Questions About Microblading

微刮眉术是一种半永久性的眉毛增强技术,可以增加眉毛的体积和轮廓. 它是用一种特殊的手持工具完成的,这个工具是由一堆小针组成的, 它们是用来在皮肤上做小切口,人工将色素沉积到皮肤上的. 这样可以创造出像头发一样的笔触,从而产生美丽、自然的眉毛.

整个过程大约需要90分钟,只会引起轻微的不适. And the best part? It requires zero downtime. 那天你会带着漂亮的眉毛离开办公室,准备好迎接世界.

微刀片是一种半永久性的技术,它使用手持工具和小针来制造像头发一样的线条, resulting in a natural-looking brow. Brow tattooing, on the other hand, involves a machine that deposits ink deeper into the skin, often resulting in a long-lasting, more defined appearance.


Microblading Makes The Most Of What You’ve Got

Microblading is designed to enhance what you already have. 这位艺术家用一种柔软的、有羽毛的应用澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网来模仿真头发,画出每一笔. 颜料与你的自然眉毛混合在一起,创造出符合你脸部比例的逼真眉毛,突出你的独特特征. 这意味着每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的眉毛看起来都会有所不同,这是一件好事!

Microblading is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. Tatjana will make sure that the brows you get are the perfect fit for you.

在您的初步咨询后,您可以安排您的微滑预约! When you arrive, 在开始之前,我们将确认您已经遵循了所有的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网前说明.

Tatjana将从清理你的眉毛开始,这样它们就准备好了. Then, 她会涂上局部麻醉药膏,以确保你在整个手术过程中感到舒适. While the anesthetic is setting, 你和Tatjana将一起为你的新眉毛选择最好的颜色和形状. Tatjana will draw the shape for your new enhanced brows, 要特别注意,确保它们与你的骨骼结构和面部特征相匹配. 一旦你同意了形状和颜色,她就可以进行微刀片手术了.

After your brows are finished, 她会涂一种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网药膏来舒缓你的皮肤,保护你的新眉毛. You’ll be given specific aftercare instructions and that’s it! You’re ready for anything!

Because it’s only considered a semi-permanent solution, your brows will fade and require a touch-up every now and again. Your new eyebrows will last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, with an average of about 18 months before they start to noticeably fade.

我们建议患者在初次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后4-6周再来进行第一次补肤, 什么时候是完美眉毛的最佳时间,确保你喜欢你的新眉毛. 之后,根据你的皮肤类型和生活方式,你可能需要每年补妆一次.

Microblading Touch-Up Costs:


  • 4 weeks to 3 months: $100
  • 3 to 6 months: $150
  • 6 to 9 months: $250
  • 9 to 12 months: $350

对于那些眉毛拔得太多,或者眉毛本来就很细/很轻,想要突出的人来说,微刮刀是很好的选择. 它可以填补空白,覆盖疤痕,重塑眉毛,让你看起来更讨人喜欢. Results do vary, though, 重要的是要和你的美容师谈谈你的皮肤状况或健康问题,以确定你是否适合做微剃须手术.

对于那些正常、干性或混合性皮肤和小毛孔的人来说,微刮刀效果最好. 原因是油性皮肤的人有更高的排斥色素或经历色素水合的风险, which is when the pigment fans out and causes the strokes to blend together. If you have very thin, sensitive skin that is easily irritated, you also may have poor retention of the microblading pigment.


  • under 18 years of age
  • skin irritations/illnesses such as sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, shingles, acne and undiagnosed rashes or blisters near the treatment site
  • scarring in the treatment area
  • active skin cancer in the treatment area
  • pregnant or breastfeeding
  • diabetes
  • epilepsy
  • glaucoma
  • liver disease
  • allergies to makeup or colors
  • prone to keloid scarring
  • pacemaker or major heart issues
  • organ transplant
  • viral infections or and/or diseases
  • used Accutane or steroids in the past year
  • had Botox in the last 4 weeks
  • undergoing chemotherapy/radiation
  • taking blood thinners / anticoagulant medication

Meet Your Eyebrow Artist Tatjana Dzamov

Tatjana — our Lead Medical Aesthetician — has worked in the beauty industry for more than 20 years, specializing in dermatology and aesthetic services, and she is certified to perform microblading through Lavish Beauty and Brow. Throughout her training, Tatjana perfected her technique, creating the perfect hair strokes on paper, 2D skin, 3D skin and, finally, on patient models. 她甚至从夏威夷采购墨水,以确保它是最高质量的产品.

All of Tatjana’s work has been graded and approved by Lavish Beauty and Brow, 她还获得了哥伦布公共卫生部门颁发的纹身许可证,可以进行微刃手术. There simply is no one better to trust your brows with!

Tatjana performing microblading treatment

You Deserve The Best Brows — Schedule Your Consultation

When we say that Tatjana is an incredible eyebrow artist, we truly mean it. Just look around our office! She is why so many of us have perfect brows. 你准备好带着更多的自信和时间走进会议室了吗? We invite you to schedule your consultation with us!

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