抽脂术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市
抽脂术 对于那些已经尽了最大努力,但仍需要帮助才能达到最终目标的患者来说,微创手术是否能显著改善病情. 男人和女人都求助于脂质手术来减掉最后的几磅肉,让自己的腹部呈现出最理想的轮廓, 臀部, 侧翼, 手臂和大腿. 这个过程提供了持久的, 自然的效果和最小的停机时间,当饮食和运动还不够的时候非常有用.
注重细节 & 艺术
Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森和博士. 米歇尔·西弗特几乎每天都做抽脂手术, working with patients of all ages and body types while maintaining safety, 对称和自然的外表. 我们的委员会认证的整形外科医生更喜欢微创技术,并有一个出色的记录,澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的满意度.
两个博士. Donaldson和Dr. Sieffert因其出色的疗效和热情的态度而受到患者的尊敬.
If you have tried to watch what you eat and exercise regularly, 但你还是有多余脂肪的地方, 你很可能需要做抽脂手术. 当大腿和腰部周围有孤立的凸起时,这种手术效果最好, 肚脐以下, 在手臂后面, 在下巴下面或者其他隐蔽的地方.
& 目标物质如果你想提高身体的曲线和轮廓,抽脂手术也可能是可取的. Our surgeons can help if you’re looking to accentuate your “hourglass” figure, widen the gap between your thighs or flatten the inner knees. 抽脂术 is not an obesity treatment; however, it has been shown to improve cholesterol levels in certain individuals.
Candidacy for liposuction is not dependent on age, size or gender. 年轻人吸脂成功率更高,因为他们的皮肤更有弹性. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. Sieffert会在你会诊时评估你的解剖结构,以确定手术是否合适.
There Are Several Types Of 抽脂术 Available, Including:
- Tumescent/wet 抽脂术 (SAL or suction-assisted lipectomy)
- Vaser(超声或超声辅助脂肪分解)
- Smart脂肪激光抽脂
- Cool脂肪 (cryo-抽脂术)
- Power脂肪 (PAL或动力辅助抽脂)
我们不提供Smart脂肪. 我们的医生通常更喜欢SAL, power-assisted liposuction and Vaser/UAL due to their time-tested results, 一致性和安全性.
注意事项所有的医疗状况都应与医生讨论. Donaldson或Dr. 在你做最后决定之前仔细考虑一下. 在您的咨询下, 我们的团队会检查你的病史评估风险并决定是否需要进一步的检查, 转介或干预可能是必要的.
是的,我们的外科医生会做脂肪 360. 这种特殊的吸脂技术被定义为在一次手术中针对腹部的多个区域. 它通常针对腹部、腰部、“腰间赘肉”(或侧翼)、背部中部和腰部.
抽脂术 cost varies greatly based on a wide variety of factors, 包括使用的技术, 需要去除多少脂肪, 其他正在执行的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网等等. 因为这个原因, the price of a 抽脂术 procedure could range anywhere from $4,000 to $20,总共000美元. 如果不首先了解您独特的目标和愿望,就很难提供真正准确的成本估算, 是什么让咨询如此重要.
抽脂术 is a great option for spot-treating abdominal fat, 当一个鼓包存在于相对有弹性的皮肤下. 腹部除皱也可以去除腹部脂肪, while at the same time repairing the underlying muscle contour, 重塑肚脐,收紧松弛的皮肤. Most patients are candidates for one or the other, but not both.
作为整形手术的实践, 我们有独特的资格为您提供一个真实和诚实的分析,什么澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网将为您带来最好的结果. 我们的兴趣在于帮助你做到最好, 受过良好教育的你自己的决定, 我们永远不会推荐你不需要的手术.
全面了解腹部除皱VS. 脂肪
We will be the first to say that the healthier you are, the easier it is for your body to heal after the surgery. Dr. Donaldson和Dr. 西弗特建议你将体重控制在正常体重的10到20磅以内. Most patients are up or down ten to twenty pounds over the course of their lifetimes, 只要你在这个范围内, 那么你的抽脂效果就不会受到影响. 如果你预计会有更大的体重波动, 那么最好在手术前取得一些进展,这样就不太可能进行手术.
营养、锻炼 & 生活方式的选择将大有帮助
你也应该戒掉不健康的习惯, 比如喝酒和抽烟, 在手术前的那段时间里. 我们的外科医生强烈建议他们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在手术前和术后至少两周内戒烟,以避免感染, 伤口并发症和愈合问题. Our staff is happy to help you plan for these lifestyle changes well in advance.
Certain medications and dietary supplements can impair healing, 或者导致更多的出血, 瘀伤和疤痕组织. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. Sieffert will provide a list of some of the most common contraindicated substances; however, 反复检查你正在服用的任何药物的副作用是明智的.
准备好你的家 & 恢复办公室
You will need a comfortable place to rest and relax for the first day or two, 因为你的行动将受到限制. 提前做好体力活,因为你还没准备好马上做繁重的家务. 最好找一个家庭成员或一个好朋友来帮助你,至少在最初的24小时内. Most patients rebound quickly, but it is best to take precautions nonetheless.
抽脂包括精确去除局部脂肪沉积,以改善身体轮廓和比例. 这是一种门诊手术,可以在局部或全身麻醉下进行,这取决于移除的脂肪量. 开始, 该委员会认证的整形外科医生在目标区域附近战略性地做小切口. 通过这些切口, a thin hollow tube called a cannula is inserted and connected to a suction device.
对细节一丝不苟, 外科医生在皮肤下操作套管, gently breaking up and suctioning out excess fat cells, 雕刻所需的轮廓. The procedure’s duration depends on the number and size of treated areas. 完成后, 切口被仔细缝合, 我们会给你准备一件压缩服来帮助愈合和消肿.
Get A More In-Depth Look At The 抽脂术 Process Here
As with all surgical procedures, there are risks inherent to liposuction. 并发症是罕见的,但最好提前意识到它们,这样你就可以权衡手术的利弊,并能够及早发现它们,如果它们发生.
The most common risks associated with 抽脂术 are subtle cosmetic differences, 如轮廓缺陷或不对称, 皱纹皮肤上的波纹或凹痕, 或者沟槽的外观. Contour abnormalities generally result when the patient has excess or loose skin, they can often be fixed with skin-tightening procedures or fat transfer.
- 出血
- 感染
- 感觉变化或慢性疼痛
- 肿胀和水肿
- 麻醉并发症
- 不规则的色素沉着
- 血凝块
- Damage to deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles, or organs
- 液体积聚
Our team will thoroughly address many of these risks during your consultation, you will see them listed again during the informed consent process before surgery.
Pain medication is given before, during and after the operation. 利多卡因/可卡因局部麻醉(麻醉药物)即使在您当天回家后也会继续在手术部位逗留. 你的压缩服将覆盖澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域并提供支持性舒适. 建议按压2到4周,因为即使你的活动量增加,它也能最大限度地减少肿胀.
在这段时间之后, 你可能会发现莱卡或氨纶运动服作为过渡或过渡疗法更舒适. 你永远不会注意到皮肤下那些可溶解的小缝合线,它们会在几周内消失. 1-2周后,覆盖切口的手术胶将在淋浴中逐渐脱落.
There Are Three Distinct Phases When It Comes To 脂肪 Recovery
- 第1 - 6天: This is when you have the dramatic effect of the operation, 接着是淤青和肿胀. You will already be able to see an improvement during this phase.
- 第六天-第六周这是你的身体消除肿胀的时候, 炎症, fluids and injured fat cells that are left behind from the operation. This period brings with it a further tightening effect.
- 第6周-大约第6个月这是疤痕组织形成并产生最终“收缩包装”效果的时期. 患者经常描述他们的轮廓缓慢而稳定的持续改善,甚至在手术后六个月! The final result should not be measured until at least six months.
抽脂术通常不会留下疤痕, as the incisions are minuscule and often well-hidden near a freckle, 肚脐内侧, 发际线附近, 或者在已有的疤痕或妊娠纹上. More scars are necessary as more areas or larger areas are treated.
All scars fade over time, some disappear almost entirely. 你的疤痕取决于你的皮肤类型, 您术后的活动水平以及您对术后指示的遵守情况. 在您的咨询下, 我们评估你的皮肤,给你一个更准确的估计你的个人疤痕的机会.
Scar Treatments Are Rarely Needed, But Are Available
手术后, 您将与我们的患者护理团队会面,了解最新的疤痕霜和澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法. Steroid injections, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing and Morpheus8 are very rarely needed because the scars are so small.
在哥伦布选择抽脂的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, Ohio at Donaldson整形外科 can expect tiny incisions, 最小的停机时间, 结果很漂亮. 这种方法通常在饮食和运动达到极限后提供最终的轮廓改善. 我们邀请您今天与我们取得澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, schedule your consultation and find out whether you are a good candidate!
阅读更多 我应该做抽脂手术吗?
你在考虑抽脂吗? 找出你应该知道的关于手术的事情,以及在做决定之前你应该问自己的问题!
阅读更多 不同类型的吸脂术
The three most common forms of surgical liposuction include traditional, 激光辅助和超声辅助抽脂. 我们邀请您在研究您的选择时更多地了解这些技术!
阅读更多 抽脂过程中会发生什么?
抽脂术 is the most sought-after body contouring procedure. We invite you to take a closer look at the process from inside the operating room.